100% Cotton Classical Embroidery Bedding Set White Hotel

100% Cotton Classical Embroidery Bedding Set White Hotel

100% Cotton Classical Embroidery Bedding Set White Hotel

Whakaahuatanga Poto:

Ingoa Waitohu: Whakaritea

Hoahoa: Raupapa rinena ruma manuhiri hotera

Rahi ota iti rawa:50

Kotahi te huinga kei roto:

Pepa Whakanohoia/Rau Paariki/Uhi Duvet/Puara Urunga

Rahi: 3/4/6/8 pcs

Ratonga Whakaritea: Ae.Rahi/Tapanga/Tapanga etc.

Rahi Paerewa: Kotahi/Tuarua/Kuini/Kingi/Super King

Tatau Miro: 200/250/300/400/600/800/1000TC

Rauemi: Cotton/Polycotton

Taipitopito Hua

Tohu Hua

Whakaatu Hua

1. Hangarau Ngaio

* Ko te mahi whakairo ka nui ake nga tohu teitei o te huinga moenga.

* 100% te tirotiro i te kounga, tino whakahaere i te kounga i roto i ia tikanga.

2. Kounga Rawa Rawa

* Tuatahi miro kiato tiketike

* Waikano ratarata-taiao (Karekau Rawe Rawa)

3. Ratonga Whakaritea

* Ko te mahi whakairo he mea motuhake, he pai hoki to moenga

* Te hanga tohu tohu / tapanga, whakaatu tika i o tohu

* He ratonga pai 24 haora i runga ipurangi

Whakaahua Taipitopito

100% Cotton Classical Embroidery Bedding Set White Hotel
100% Cotton Classical Embroidery Bedding Set White Hotel
100% Cotton Classical Embroidery Bedding Set White Hotel

Rahi Hua

Tūtohi Rahi AU/UK(cm)
Rahi Moenga Pepa Papatahi Rau Whakanohoia Uhi Puti/Kuri Puhi urunga
Takitahi 90*190 180x280 90x190x35 140x210 52x76
Kuini 152*203 250x280 152x203x35 210x210 52x76
Kingi 183*203 285x290 183x203x35 240x210 60x100


Tūtohi Rahi US(inihi)
Rahi Moenga Pepa Papatahi Rau Whakanohoia Uhi Puti/Kuri Puhi urunga
Mahanga 39"x76" 66"x115" 39"x76"x12" 68"x86" 21"x32"
Katoa 54"x76" 81"x115" 54"x76"x12" 83"x86" 21"x32"
Kuini 60"x80" 90"x115" 60"x80"x12" 90"x92" 21"x32"
Kingi 76"x80" 108"x115" 76"x80"x12" 106"x92" 21"x42"


Tūtohi Rahi o Dubai(cm)
Rahi Moenga Pepa Papatahi Rau Whakanohoia Uhi Puti/Kuri Puhi urunga
Takitahi 100x200 180x280 100x200x35 160x235 50x80
Taurua 120x200 200x280 120x200x35 180x235 50x80
Kuini 160x200 240x280 160x200x35 210x235 50x80
Kingi 180x200 260x280 180x200x35 240x235 60x90


Q1.He kaihanga, he kamupene hokohoko ranei koe?

A: He kaihanga matou me te 20 tau te wheako, a kua mahi tahi matou me nga hotera neke atu i te 1000 i roto i nga kaunihera 100 o te ao, Sheraton, Westin, Marriott, E wha nga wa, Ritz-Carlton me etahi atu hotera mekameka ko o maatau kaihoko.

Q2.Ka taea e au te whakahoki katoa o nga tauira i muri i te ota tuatahi?

A: Ae.Ka taea te tango i te utu mai i te moni katoa o to ota tuatahi ina utu koe.

Q3.Me pehea te tikanga utu?

A: Ka whakaaetia e matou te T / T, te kaari nama, te Paypal me etahi atu.

  • Tōmua:
  • Panuku:

  • Tuhia to korero ki konei ka tukuna mai ki a matou